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Ryan Scheidt     Bio   Statement    Press            Messenger
Artist Statement - "What have we here?"
My work is concerned with the direct execution of a nontraditional, but often used method of composition. In the painting discipline, as in other mediums, artists have used chance operation to determine the outcome of their work. It allows artists to keep an aethestic distance from their work, and closes the gap between them and their audience. Though many artists have used chance operation as a compositional (or non-compositional) tool in the past, my personal interest in working this way is tied closely to the human curiousity of seeing what is not known or "the not yet seen". If an artist is painting from life or even from imagination then they are working from a plan in their mind. I am interested in what possible outcomes arise from allowing the works to be self-determined by randomly selected colors and forms within the structure of their painted frame.
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