Origins and identity are the themes that drive the imagery of my work and are influenced by scientific, social, or conceptual observations that impact my understanding of these themes.
ASTRAL FLUFF: Carnal Bodies in Celestial Orbit
The repettitive actions that make up our days become the grid or structure that supports the foundation and assumptions of our lives. This endurance or resolve to keep going, to improve, and to continue, implies a faith that the next moment will come, connoting a lightness of being which imbues our resolution with profound delicacy.
TSUNAMI 3000, 2009
Inspired by recent news about Governor Spitzer illicit liaisons, Sen. Edwards and his “love” child, and other “passion based” stories broadcast on the news; I wondered about the reconciliation of our “animal” instincts with our ability to think dispassionately and analytically.I saw a flood; a tsunami, from a society far in the future.It was the year 3000 A.D.How would this culture deal with the ever present clash between the Dionysian (sex, lust, genetic imperative to mate) and the Apollonian (in vitro, controlled genetic recombination with plant/animal cells)? I saw the remnants of this society ultimately resolving their instinctual animal/cerebral dichotomy through DNA re-combination.
TRIUMPH OF THE XX, 2007-2009
“Triumph of the XX” evokes the passion of the XX chromosome (female) in its ability to heal a flaw or mutation in the DNA by recombining and backing up since there are two X’s.A red haired woman is the metaphor for this concept, as she recombines the genes of the world, healing division.Aluminum foil, a simple substrate found in the kitchen and commonly used by women for domestic labor, is elevated, along with this concept, to an articulation of the divine.
NMMindscapes, 2008
An interior exploration, this work is a outward manifestation of an inward state of identity.The hills, trees, rocks, brush and sand are transformed by my formal interest in the ethereal reality I found in New Mexico. This reality, which is now a memory, is colored by the present reality. The series reflect a true merging of self and selves over time.
The 8 paintings, 8 prints, DVD and print suite of the Madonna Series are modeled after classical religious paintings from the Renaissance. Using photographs of a diverse group of contemporary working mothers/children, these depictions borrow the iconography of a belief system, and recontextualize them in light of recent genomic discoveries.