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Jonathan Feldschuh     Bio   Statement                Messenger
The world presented in these paintings is abstract and ambiguous, yet strangely familiar. The random gestures, made by pouring, shaking and splashing paint within layers of clear acrylic medium, are outlined in ink to create branching, swimming, flying life forms. The lively action of the organic forms is evident despite the undefined sense of scale or space in which the mysterious event takes place. The scene is that of cells dividing under a microscope, snakes gliding through seaweed, or worlds exploding and recreating themselves in outer space. The artist has deliberately withheld clues as a means to express the similarity and interconnectedness of things, the balance of chaos and order, and the boundless ether surrounding our existence. Jonathan Feldschuh was a Physics Major at Harvard when he began to apply his sense of inquiry and methods of experimentation as an artist. The techniques and visual concepts he has developed represent the connection between the arts and sciences: the desire to better understand and express the awesome nature of the universe, the aspects of life we feel but cannot see. Feldschuh's paintings portray a world in which time, space, scale, and stage of life are insignificant. This is Science Fiction, but it is also an elegant distillation of the most profound and abstract truths. The tension between insignificance and interconnectedness, change and consistency, is filtered through the consciousness of the viewer, who may find the scenes either romantic in their floaty expressiveness or disquietingly inexplicable. Feldschuh has developed a combination of painting techniques to create illusions of light and space and to transform random streams of paint into living forms.
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