Art work is Temporarly unavaliable due to being water markes, We are sorry for the inconvniance but within an hour of posting some of are work it was on the intrenet under others names, Understand ALL OF OUR WORK HAS BEEN REGISTERD Prior to posting it on any of our site's and Is protected by Copy right Laws,The Theft of our work will be traced and violator's will be charged to the fullest extent of law.Copying and Tagging any work without knowledge and concent is against the Law, It's theft.
We will strive to ensure every piece of work purchased will be of the highest quaility, All work will be delieverd to buyer by courier and insured,not standard mail,The price of the work does include delivery charge's in United States and Canada, but not taxes those will be on us for each piece sold. If for anyreason your purchase is damaged durring delivery it will be replaced, All sales are final other then that and will take up to 5 business day's for delivery for the standard print's posted. Canvas work or paintings will be deliverd within 10 business day's, A contact and bill of sale will be written prior to sale and will be deliverd via e-mail for your security and our's.If You would like work matted and Framed for additional fee's it can be arranged.
You can order work in other size's up to 24x36 prices will vary and will be discussed between us and buyer.You can also have any of the work done on canvas at additional Charge, again this will be discussed at time of purchase If you have questions please feel free to e-mail us or call photoscapes123@ 740-919-4200. We will be adding Lots of work over the next couple day's,Not only is there Photography but beautiful oil and acyrlic paintings. Since we are just getting started please be paient. We can also be found on Fine Art America/Scott Bennett and Esty Photoscapes Landscapes Ohio. Facebook Photoscapes Landscapes Ohio.