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Michael Rotondi     Bio   Statement                Messenger
MICHAEL ROTONDI--> PUNK PAINTING MICHAEL ROTONDI PUNK PAINTING My art work is devided between drawing/watercolor,painting and photography, it is an interpretation of all the things that surround me. I'm attracted by symbles, icons and all those objects that are created by man. I talk about man and his relationship with all human beings, of his memories, his history, his religion and of the different races. A dialog between human beings a development of character and culture. What interests me is the trasformation of reality into drawing and this because it creates an imitation of real life, in other words, I create an unreal world that imitates the real world. I deliver contaminated scenarios from contemporary music from the discomfort of youth and illustrations from fairy tales, where I also find symbols of my memories. Borrowing also from advertising, a particular and surreal tale is put into shape. Rock music, life as a musician, as a DJ, fanzines , squats, indipendent concert posters, glouing photocopies and stencils of various kind on walls, concerts, fights, drugs, soccer, school, fashion, magazines, all of these things generate the creation. I often combine elements that talk about social news and symbols of fashion. It all becomes drawing and so, fiction. The reason why the final result is graphyc, depends on the fact that I am interested in the velocity of the messagge that I wish to comunicate to the observer. I like the metropolis because its a containor of man and his expression. I also like the internet for the same reason. They are both a strong inspiration. I define my work "punk", in a very poetic sense. My painting is "punk", "punk painting" for real people.
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